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How to answer the most common questions about the RLS-H Formula and the RLS-multi

What is it?

The RLS-H Formula is a natural supplement.

What's in it?

The main ingredient in the RLS-H Formula is a highly absorbable magnesium.

How will it make me sleep better?

The RLS-H Formula will relax your muscles and calm your nervous system allowing you to fall asleep faster and stay sleeping longer.

Will it make me groggy?

The RLS-H Formula is non-habit forming. It is not a sleeping pill and will not cause any feelings of grogginess.

When should I take it? / Dosage

To improve and enjoy a deeper sleep, take one capsule before you go to bed or try taking one capsule with dinner. If you have sleep issues such as restless legs or restless sleep, you can take one or two capsules when symptoms arise. (weight dependent, 180lbs and over take 2, under 180lbs, start with 1 capsule.)

Earning Potential as Re-Seller / Distributor

Earn X$/ per bottle. Enjoy recurring sales.

The RLS-H Formula

The RLS-H Formula

What is it?

The RLS-H Formula is a natural supplement.

What's in it?

The main ingredient in the RLS-H Formula is a highly absorbable magnesium.

How will it make me sleep better?

The RLS-H Formula will relax your muscles and calm your nervous system allowing you to fall asleep faster and stay sleeping longer.

Will it make me groggy?

The RLS-H Formula is non-habit forming. It is not a sleeping pill and will not cause any feelings of grogginess.

When should I take it? / Dosage

To improve and enjoy a deeper sleep, take one capsule before you go to bed or try taking one capsule with dinner. If you have sleep issues such as restless legs or restless sleep, you can take one or two capsules when symptoms arise. (weight dependent, 180lbs and over take 2, under 180lbs, start with 1 capsule.)

Earning Potential as Re-Seller / Distributor

Earn X$/ per bottle. Enjoy recurring sales.

What is it?

The RLS-multi is a complete vitamin and mineral supplement.

What's in it?

This multi has all the best ingredients for ENERGY (iron), GOOD MOOD (B-Complex), HAIR/SKIN/NAILS (Biotin, iron, zinc, magnesium). See label for complete list.

How will it help my hair?

Iron and zinc help hair's shine and lustre. Biotin helps create red blood cells with carry oxygen and nutrients to the scalp. Magnesium promotes follicle hair growth.

When should I take it? / Dosage

For people under 180 lbs, take one capsule in the morning and one capsule mid-afternoon. For people weighing 180lbs or over, take two capsules in the morning and another two capsules mid-afternoon. Extra tips: For an added boost, take your multi with coffee. For optimal effect, take your multis between meals. If this gives you an upset stomach, take with food.

Earning Potential as Re-Seller / Distributor

Earn X$/ per bottle. Enjoy recurring sales.

The RLS-multi

The RLS-multi

What is it?

The RLS-multi is a complete vitamin and mineral supplement.

What's in it?

This multi has all the best ingredients for ENERGY (iron), GOOD MOOD (B-Complex), HAIR/SKIN/NAILS (Biotin, iron, zinc, magnesium). See label for complete list.

How will it help my hair?

Iron and zinc help hair's shine and lustre. Biotin helps create red blood cells with carry oxygen and nutrients to the scalp. Magnesium promotes follicle hair growth.

When should I take it? / Dosage

For people under 180 lbs, take one capsule in the morning and one capsule mid-afternoon. For people weighing 180lbs or over, take two capsules in the morning and another two capsules mid-afternoon. Extra tips: For an added boost, take your multi with coffee. For optimal effect, take your multis between meals. If this gives you an upset stomach, take with food.

Earning Potential as Re-Seller / Distributor

Earn X$/ per bottle. Enjoy recurring sales.

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